2. Medizinische Klinik (Friedrichstadt)

Private Outpatient Clinic Prof. Heinzel

Cardiovascular Counseling, Prophylaxis, Dagnostics and Therapy

Prof. Frank R. Heinzel, M.D., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. med. Ph.D. Frank R. Heinzel, FESC, MHBA

Head of 2. Medical Clinic for Cardiology, Angiology and Internal Intensive Care 

Cardiovascular Medicine at Städtischen Klinikum Dresden

Specialist for Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Intensive Care Medicine, Rhythmology - Intervenional Elektrophysiology, Hypertensiology (DHL)

Master of Health and Business Administration

Master of Medical Imaging 

Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology



Curriculum Vitae

Publications (Medline)

Private Outpatient Clinic: every Monday or by arrangement

For appointments and requests please contact Prof. Heinzel's chief medical secretariat below

Silvia Hirt

Sekretariat Chefarzt
stellv. Assistenz Medizinische Direktor
2. Medizinische Klinik
Telefon: 0351 480-1467  
Fax: 0351 480-1129  
E-Mail Details